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Eat Real Food!

A Quick Thank You

This blog feed will mainly be dedicated to the random tips and tricks for managing a modern diet, but my first post has to be a big Thank You. I have a few people I really need to thank for helping out with this little website!

The first "thank you" is to my wife, Virginia, who put up with me spending way too much time getting this thing up and running. I will not keep it a secret that I am not the greatest with technology, but I am too embarrassed to share how long it took me to figure out how to do everything! She also get's a second thank you for sometimes helping edit all of the words that I spew out as rough drafts.

The second thank you is to my friend that I met while living on Geoje Island, South Korea. I'm sure that you have seen a few of the amazing pictures that I used showing scenes from Korea. If you take the time to read the little captions you can see that the photographer is Joshua Herrin. I had a great time getting to know Josh and found out that he is an amazing photogapher! Make sure to click the link on his photos I use and check out his other shots.

The final thank you I have is for Heritage Prairie Farm in Elburn, IL. I was looking for the perfect image for my main page and found it on their website. They were kind enough to let me use it and I truly appreciate that. While I was looking through their website I realized that they were just the kind of place that I was trying to get people connected to! Check out their website here:

Stumbling across such a wonderful example of the type of farms that I want people to find gave me an idea. Sometime in the future of this little ol' website of mine, I am going to try to add a page that occasionally features a specific farm in the Midwest. Each post will go into detail about what the farm has to offer, where it's located, and how you can contact them. As part of my thank you to Heritage Prairie Farm, I will make sure that their farm is the first featured farm when that page finally goes up!

A final-final short thank you is in order for anyone who found their way over to this site and is reading what I have to say. It is all a work in progress, but I hope to improve it as I go. Hopefully, some of you will learn something and enjoy my efforts!


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